謝育芬 副教授

謝育芬 副教授
  • 美國密西根大學語言學博士
  • E-mail:yfhsieh@mail.ntust.edu.tw
  • 聯絡方式:
  • 研究室:
  • 研究領域:












    研究計畫 (Research Project)(科技部、教育部、產學合作)

    1. 工作記憶容量和影片字幕對於第二語言聽力理解與詞彙學習的影響 (108-2410-H-011-018-)
    2. 多媒體註解對於英語學習者閱讀理解和詞彙習得的影響 (106-2410-H-011-013-)
    3. 影片字幕對於第二語言聽力理解與詞彙學習的影響 (104-2410-H-011-013-)
    4. 二語能力對於語句理解過程中之句法啟動效應的影響 (103-2410-H-011-035-)



    著作 (Publications)

    期刊論文 (Journal articles)、專書章節 (Book chapters)

    1. Hsieh, Y. (2019). Effects of video captioning on EFL vocabulary learning and listening comprehension. Computer Assisted Language Learning.
    2. Hsieh, Y. (2017). Structural priming during sentence comprehension in Chinese–English bilinguals. Applied Psycholinguistics38(3), 657-678. 
    3. Hsieh, Y. (2016). An Exploratory Study on Singaporean Primary School Students’ Development in Chinese Writing. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25(4), 541-548. 
    4. Hsieh, Y., Hiew, C. K., & Tay, Y. X. (2017). Computer-mediated Corrective Feedback in Chinese as a Second Language Writing: Learners’ Perspectives. In D. Zhang & C. Lin (Ed.), Assessing Chinese as a Second Language (pp. 225-246). New York: Springer.

    研討會論文發表 (Conference Presentation)

    1. Hsieh, Y. (2019). Computerized L2 Text Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning: The Effect of Glosses. Paper presented at the 2019 International Conference on English Language Teaching, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. May. 24.
    2. Puspitasari, D. & Hsieh, Y. (2019). International graduate students’ thesis writing problems and strategies in English Medium Instruction (EMI) classroom. Paper presented at the 36th International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning, Taichung, Taiwan. May 17-18. 
    3. Hsieh, Y. (2018). Effects of electronic glosses on EFL vocabulary learning. Paper presented at the 2018 International Conference on TESOL & Translation, Taichung, Taiwan. Dec. 21.
    4. Hsieh, Y. (2018). Video captioning for EFL vocabulary learning and listening comprehension. Paper presented at the 2018 International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Asian Multidimensional Cultures, Taichung, Taiwan. Nov. 10. 


    學生指導 (Student Supervision)

    科技部大專生 (Undergraduate Project from the MOST)

    1. Language Use in Advertisements: A Study on Taiwanese Consumer Xenophilia (108-2813-C-011-038-H) (2019/07/01~2020/02/28)
    2. Reading strategies of L2 learners in online reading (106-2813-C-011-023-H) (2017/07/01~2018/02/28)

    碩士論文指導 (Thesis)

    1. Effects of glosses on EFL learners’ reading comprehension and vocabulary learning (2019)
    2. International graduate students’ thesis writing problems and strategies in English Medium instruction classroom (2019)
    3. Electronic glosses: Effects on adult Taiwanese EFL learners’ reading comprehension and vocabulary learning (2018)
    4. Effects of English captions and Chinese subtitles on EFL listening comprehension and vocabulary learning of senior high school students (2018)
    5. Effects of video captioning on EFL vocabulary learning of college students in Taiwan (2017)
    6. Effects of song singing on EFL vocabulary learning of sixth graders (2016)
    7. Effects of an instructional e-book on English learning of seventh graders in Taiwan (2015)


    專業服務 (Professional Service)

    • 大學入學考試中心學科能力測驗英文科閱卷委員 (2017, 2019)
    • 教育部大學校院暑期密集英語訓練班授課教師, 台灣科技大學 (2014)