鄧慧君 教授
  • 系主任
  • 美國明尼蘇達大學外語教育博士
  • E-mail:tenghc@mail.ntust.edu.tw
  • 聯絡方式:
  • 研究室:
  • 研究領域:
學校名稱 國別 系所 學位
明尼蘇達大學 美國 外語教育 博士
明尼蘇達大學 美國 外語教育 碩士
國立台灣師範大學 臺灣 英語系 學士



學校名稱 系所 職位


人文社會學院 院長
國立台灣科技大學 應用外語系 教授兼系主任
國立政治大學 英國語文研究所 兼任教授
國立雲林科技大學 應用外語系 教授兼系主任
臺北市立中山國中 英語科 教師



著作 (Publications)

專書章節 (Book chapters)        

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Bagariang, Tri. (2021). Investigating EFL listening difficulties and strategy use of Indonesian students. In Y. Leung, W. Shieh, & D. S. Villarreal  (Eds.),  Reflections on the English Language Teaching and Learning in the Global and Diversified World (pp. 215-233). Taipei: Crane Publisher.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Chen, Yu-Ting. (2018). Teaching EFL vocabulary and listening comprehension through VoiceTube. In Y. Leung, J. Katchen, S. Huang, & Y. Chen (Eds.), Reconceptualizing English Language Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century (pp. 370-384). Taipei: Crane Publisher.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Lin, Chia-Hui. (2016). A study of metacognitive listening instruction to EFL Young Learners. In H. Liao (Ed.), Critical Reflections on Foreign Language Education: Globalization and Local Interventions (pp. 111-138). Taipei: Bookman Books.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2016). How to teach L2 listening: Beliefs of EFL teachers. In Y. Leung (Ed.), Epoch Making in English Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 80-95). Taipei: Crane Publisher.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2014). Analysis of communication strategies in EFL context. In A. Nikčević-Batrićević, & M. Mijušković (Eds.), Research in EFL and Literature Context: Challenges and Directions (pp. 485-496). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2012). A study of communication strategies used by EFL learners. In P. C. Miller, J. L. Watzke, & M. Mantero (Eds.), Readings in Language Studies (Volume 3): Language and Identity (pp. 607-624). Granville, MI: International Society for Language Studies, Inc.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). A study of task type for L2 speaking assessment. In M. Mantero, P. C. Miller, & J. L. Watzke (Eds.), Readings in Language Studies (Volume 1): Language across Disciplinary Boundaries (pp. 433-446). St. Lois, MO: International Society for Language Studies, Inc.

期刊論文 (Journal articles)

Teng, H. C. (2022). A study of test-taking strategies used by EFL listeners. NPUST Humanities and Social Sciences Research: Special Issue on Innovations in English Teaching and Learning, 16(3), 1-30.

Nguyen, T. M., & Teng, H. C. (2022). A study of mobile devices’ acceptance in developing EFL listening skill among Vietnamese high school learners. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 2(2), 95-118.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Fu, Chun-Wei. (2019). The washback of listening tests for entrance exams on EFL instruction in Taiwanese junior high schools. Language Education & Assessment, 2(1), 90-103.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2018). A study of peer assessment for EFL academic presentations. Asian ESP Journal, 14(1), 413-433.

Wijaya, Beby, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2017). A study on academic writing anxiety of EFL Indonesian students. Studies in English Language and Literature, 39, 23-50.

Lee, Li-Hui, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2016). Effects of cognitive strategy instruction on EFL listening comprehension and strategy use. Journal of English Education, 5(1), 1-44.


Teng, Huei-Chun. (2015). A study of willingness to communicate: The Taiwanese EFL context. Journal of English Education, 4(1), 67-92.

Lee, Yuan-Chun, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2015). A study on Chinese learning anxiety of international students in Taiwan. Studies in English Language and Literature, 35, 39-56.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2014). Investigation of communication strategy instruction. Journal of English Education, 2(2), 39-60.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Chen, Ying-Shan. (2013). The effect of listening anxiety on EFL listeners’ comprehension and vocabulary performance. Studies in English Language and Literature, 31, 75-86.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Chang, Chia-Ling. (2012). A study of pre-reading tasks for EFL junior high school students. On Task, 2(2), 42-46.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2012). A study on the teachability of EFL communication strategies. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 3566-3570.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Huang, Liang-Meng. (2011). A study of reading aloud to EFL elementary school students. Studies in English Language and Literature, 28, 25-36.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2011). Exploring note-taking strategies of EFL listeners. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 480-484.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2010). Factors influencing foreign accent in EFL speech. The International Journal of Learning, 17(5), 559-573.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2009). A study of EFL listening styles. The International Journal of Learning, 16(3), 1-12.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). Listening style preference and L2 listening proficiency. Journal of Applied English, 1, 1-14.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). A study of listening style preference and EFL listening proficiency. Studies in English Language and Literature, 21, 1-9.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). Analysis of task type for EFL speaking assessment. Studies in English Language and Literature, 19, 27-35.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). A study of listening strategy instruction to EFL college students. Studies in English Language and Literature, 18, 29-39.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Chang, Shu-Mei. (2005). An investigation of EFL listening difficulties for senior high school students in Taiwan. Journal of Science and Technology, 14, Human and Sociology (1), 63-72.

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Chang, Shu-Mei. (2005). An investigation of EFL listening difficulties for senior high school students in Taiwan. Journal of Science and Technology, 14, Human and Sociology (1), 63-72.


研討會論文發表 (Conference Presentation)

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Hsu, Yi-Hsuan. (2022). Investigation of strategy use for TOEFL speaking test. Selected Papers from the 31st International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 79-92.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2020). A study of listening anxiety and listening self-efficacy of EFL college students. Selected Papers from the 29th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 153-167.

Lin, Yu-Fan & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2019). An investigation of the needs on English language use of cabin crew and ground staff in Taiwan. The Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, Taipei, 30-47.

Lin, Ellen Wei-Lun & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2018). An investigation of in-service nurses' EFL speaking anxiety in communicating with foreign patients and caregivers in Taiwan. Selected Papers from the 27th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 250-263.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2018). Exploring teaching beliefs on listening. Selected Papers from the 22nd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL), Seoul, 9-19.

Chu, Chen-Hui & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2017). Relationship between learning strategies and self-efficacy of EFL business majors. Selected Papers from the 26th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 137-149.

Huang, Min & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2016). A study of implementing literature circles in a senior high EFL classroom. Selected Papers from the 25th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 377-392.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2016). Investigating EFL learners' willingness to communicate. Proceedings of 2014 Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, 203-211.

Chen, Ya-Chen & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2015). Effects of summary writing instruction on reading and writing abilities of EFL students in vocational high schools. Selected Papers from the 24th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 155-165.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2014). Analysis of EFL learners' task strategies for a listening comprehension test. Proceedings of the 2013 Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, 225-234.

Chen, Chia-Chi & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2014). A study of speaking anxiety of EFL vocational high school students. Selected Papers from the 23rd International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 200-211.

Hu, Yu-Ting & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2014). Effects of video caption and subtitle on EFL listening comprehension. Selected Papers from the 23rd International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 253-268.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2014). Investigating willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms. Proceedings of the 19th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, Tokyo, 52-53.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2014). Interlocutor proficiency in paired speaking tests. In A. Stewart & N. Sonda & A. Krause (Eds.), JALT 2013 Conference Proceedings, Kobe, 708-715.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2014). A study of test-taking strategies used by EFL listeners. Proceedings of 2013 PanSIG International Conference, Nagoya, 27-34.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2013). A study of interlocutor proficiency on EFL paired speaking test. Selected Papers from the 22nd International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 385-392.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2013). The effect of interlocutor proficiency on EFL paired oral assessment. Proceedings of the 2012 Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, 57-66.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2013). Teaching ESP in university of science and technology. Conference Proceedings of General Education and University Curriculum Reform: An International Conference in Hong Kong, 60-64.

Wang, Yu-Yin & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2012). Selection and use of EFL materials in children's cram schools. Selected Papers from the 21st International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 399-410.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2012). A study of note-taking strategies used by EFL college students. Proceedings of the JACET 51st International Convention, Nagoya, 396-400.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2012). Teaching communication strategies to EFL college students. In A. Stewart & N. Sonda (Eds.), JALT 2011 Conference Proceedings, Tokyo, 646-653.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2011). Communication strategy use of EFL college students. In A. Stewart (Ed.), JALT 2010 Conference Proceedings, Tokyo, 113-123.

Yuan, Huei-Chun & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2010). A study of task types in new TOEIC writing test. Selected Papers from the Nineteenth International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 502-514.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2010). Relationship between comprehensibility and foreign accent in EFL speech. Proceedings of the 2009 Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, 43-52.

Yuan, Huei-Lan & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2010). A study of EFL listening difficulties and strategies of senior high school students. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China, Kaohsiung, 294-314.

Lee, Po-Yu & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2009). A study of EFL learning strategies used by cadets in Taiwan. Selected Papers from the Eighteenth International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, 108-120.

Teng, Huei-Chun & Haung, Liang-Meng. (2009). A study of reading aloud to EFL elementary school students. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, Taipei, 216-224.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2009). Speaker effects on perceived EFL foreign accent. In A. Stoke (Ed.), PAC7 at JALT2008 Conference Proceedings, Tokyo, 193-201.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). A study of teaching EFL listening strategies. Proceedings of 33rd Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning (JALT), Tokyo, 346-358.

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2008). Relationship between EFL listening proficiency and speaking test performance. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Convention of the International Listening Association (ILA), Frankfurt, 151-160.

Teng, Huei-Chun & Chan, Chi-Yeu. (2008). An investigation of metacognitive strategies used by EFL listeners. The 9th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness (ALA), Hong Kong. (ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, ED504568).

Ho, Pei-Ying, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). A Study of the EFL Reading Strategies Used by Vocational High School Students in Taiwan. 第十六屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會論文集,頁95-103。

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). Listening styles and EFL listening proficiency. 第二十四屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會論文集,頁202-211。

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). A study of task types for L2 speaking assessment. 2007 Conference of the International Society for Language Studies (ISLS), Hawaii. (Best of Conference Award) (ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, ED496075 ).

Teng, Huei-Chun. (2007). Listening style preference and L2 listening proficiency. The Proceedings of 2007 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, Taipei, 462-472.

Chen, Hsiao-Ju, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). The correlation between EFL learners’ listening proficiency and speaking test performance. 第十五屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會論文集,頁289-298。

Lin, Pei-Hui, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). A study of task types on EFL writing assessment. 第二十三屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會論文集,頁876-891。

Chan, Chih-Yu, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). Analysis of metacognitive strategies in EFL listening comprehension with different cultural texts. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Teaching of LanguageLinguistics, and Literature, 183-198.

Hung, Jui-Chien, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2006). An investigation of EFL listening strategies with interactive CD-ROMs. The Proceedings of 2006 Taiwan TESOL Conference, 82-94.

Chan, Chih-Yu, & Teng, Huei-Chun. (2005). A study of metacognitive strategies in EFL listening comprehension. 第二十二屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會論文集,頁1-12。

Teng, Huei-Chun, & Wu, Chen-Chia. (2005). An investigation of EFL learning strategies by vocational high school students in Taiwan. The Proceedings of 2004 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, 572-578.
