
鍾玉玲 副教授

鍾玉玲 副教授
  • 英國華威大學翻譯學博士
  • E-mail:yuling@mail.ntust.edu.tw
  • 聯絡方式:
  • 研究室:
  • 研究領域:

    學經歷 (Experience) 

    • PhD in Translation Studies
      University of Warwick, UK.
    • Associate Professor, Department of Applied Foreign Languages
      Since 2014~   in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Foreign Languages
      2008-2014 in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies
      2007-2008 in Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan.
    • Presenter and programmer; News anchorwoman, Copy editor and writer; News reporter, News translator and editor.
      1993-2002 in Kaohsiung Municipal Broadcasting Station, National Education Radio, Radio Taiwan International.
    • Freelance translator



    榮譽事蹟 (Honor)

    ✪ Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars on Religious Pluralism
        2010 Funded by US Department of State, US.

    ✪ Government Scholarship to Study Abroad (GSSA)
        2002-2005 Funded by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan.




    研究計畫 (Research Project)(科技部、教育部、產學合作)

    1. A Study of Body Image and Habitus: Exploring the Localization of Fast Fashion Clothing Websites in Taiwan.
      2016-2017, Ministry of Science and Technology
    2. Translation Schema and Translation Teaching: A Taiwan Study.
      2015-2016, Ministry of Science and Technology
    3. Designing a Course Focusing on Developing Translation Competence: Based on Translators’ Habitus and the Trait of “Openness to Experience”.
      2014-2015, Ministry of Science and Technology
    4. A Preliminary Study of the Translator’s Habitus in Taiwan: Comparing Practicing Translators and Translation Students. 
      2013-2014, Ministry of Science and Technology



    著作 (Publications)


    • Chung, Yu-Ling. (2013). Translation and Fantasy Literature in Taiwan: Translators as Cultural Brokers and Social Networkers. Palgrave Macmillan, UK. (ISBN 1137332778)


    • Chung, Yu-Ling. (2017). Co-translated the traditional Chinese version of Alan Sponberg & Helen Hardacre ed., Maitreya, The Future Buddha.《彌勒─未來佛》. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. (ISBN 978-986-935523-3-8)


    期刊論文 (Journal articles)、專書章節 (Book chapters)

    1. 鍾玉玲,黃芸新 (2015). “譯者慣習初探:比較台灣從業譯者和翻譯學生.” 翻譯季刊 (Translation Quarterly), 78, 65-80. (ISSN: 1027-8559) (MOST102-2410-H-011-014-).
    2. Chung, Yu-Ling. (2015). “The Reception of Chinese Translated Books: In the Case of University Students in Taiwan.” Publishing Research Quarterly, 31(1), 12-20. (ISSN: 1053-8801)
    3. 鍾玉玲,黃芸新 (2013). “翻譯能力與人格特質之關連:以台灣的科技大學學生為例.” 廣譯:語言、文學、與文化翻譯, 9, 149-176. (ISSN: 1998-5177) (NSC101-2410-H-011-020-). 
    4. 鍾玉玲 (2013). “中文譯者的翻譯認知和翻譯論述:以譯者部落格裡的翻譯隱喻為例.” 人文社會學報, 9(1), 49-71. (ISSN: 1819-7205) (NSC100-2410-H-011-020-). 
    5. Chung, Yu-Ling. (2013). “Translators’ profiles in Taiwan: ‘Translator’s Brief Introduction’ on Chinese translated bestsellers 1997-2010.” Studies in English Language and Literature, 31, 55-63.



    研討會論文發表 (Conference Presentation)

    1. Chung, Yu-Ling. (2018). The Localization of Fast Fashion Clothing Websites in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of “2018 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT)”, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
    2. Chung, Yu-Ling. (2017). Translation Teaching Based on Translation Schemas and Learning Styles: A Case Study in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of “Culture • Cognition • Communication. (Inter)cultural perspectives on language and the mind”, UMCS (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University) in Lublin, Poland. 
    3. Chung, Yu-Ling. (2016). A Translation Course Designed to Help Students Enhance Practicing Translators’ Trait: A Case Study in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of “The Third International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation (didTRAD)”, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain. (Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. 104-2410-H-011-021).
    4. Chung, Yu-Ling. (2015). Personality Matters When Learning and Teaching Translation: A Case Study in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of “The 5th IATIS Conference 2015: Innovation Paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies”, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil. (Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. 103-2410-H-011-014).
    5. Chung, Yu-Ling. (2014). A Process Study on Translation Students’ Perception and Practice regarding Cross-Cultural Issues in Translation. Paper presented at the meeting of “AsiaScapes: Contesting Borders. The Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) Conference 2014”, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. (Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. 102-2410-H-011-014).
    6. Chung, Yu-Ling. (2014). The Reading of Chinese Translated Books: in the Case of University Students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of “2014 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT)”, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.



    學生指導 (Student Supervision)

    碩士論文指導 (Thesis)

    1. 黃千紜 The Application and the Motivation of Transcreation in Taiwan Cartoon Dubbing Industry. (創譯在台灣卡通配音產業之應用與背後動機)
    2. 謝宇琪  The Translator’s Identity Crisis: A Study of the Chinese Translation of Susan Albers’s Eating Mindfully. (譯者認同危機:由《覺醒飲食》中譯探索譯者心態)
    3. 羅琳穎 The Effects of Using Memorization as a Learning Strategy on Translation Exerciese: A Case Study of EFL Junior High School Students in Taiwan. (背誦為外語學習策略在國中生中英翻譯練習上的效果研究)
    4. 張力文 Translation Strategies for Cultural Metamorphoses of Chinese American Literature in Taiwan: A Case Study of Lisa See’s Works. (華美文學中文化變形之翻譯策略:以馮麗莎的作品為例)
    5. 楊庭芳 A Study of Reader-Centered Translation Strategies in the Chinese Translations of Printed Circuit Board Terminology. (電路板術語翻譯策略及讀者觀點研究)




    專業服務 (Professional Service)

    1. 教育部中英翻譯資格考試   命題、閱卷
    2. 語言訓練測驗中心中英文翻譯能力檢定考試   閱卷委員、複閱委員
    3. 科技部專題研究計劃   審查人
    4. 四技二專統一入學測驗英文科   閱卷委員、核閱委員
    5. 國內外期刊論文、專書、學位論文   審稿人國立臺灣圖書館所屬陽明山中山樓聘任委員會   命題、閱卷、口試委員



    受邀演講 (Invited Talks)

    ✪【多元文化語境之英文學習革新計畫】中英翻譯課程教學工作坊   教育部/政大, 講題:翻譯教學理論與應用


