應用外語學系碩士班課程介紹 AFL Master Program
AFL Spotlight: 簡介應用外語系二年制課程必修科目 Two-year Bachelor's Program
BA Program and Required course "Multiliteracies"
認識臺科大應外系 Introducing AFL to International Audience
應外系學生分享雙主修及修讀三校聯盟課程經驗 Double Majors and the NTU Alliance System
應外系英文實務專題 Senior Student Special Project at AFL in NTUST
應外系學生海外交換及實習經驗分享 Overseas exchange and internship experiences
Dual Degrees
應外系2024年度碩士課程招生(暨University of Bristol碩士雙聯學位課程說明) AFL Master Program (+Dual degree programs)
關於應外系ALLT 國際研討會 ALLT International Conference